Don’t let misinformation short circuit battery energy storage

Battery energy storage systems facilities are carefully selected based on months of engineering studies and due diligence.

There has been some local opposition to battery energy storage systems being developed in the Texas Hill Country, and while development of any kind presents challenges, it is essential for the public to recognize the immediate and lasting benefits that these storage systems provide.

Unfortunately, misinformation and misunderstanding of novel technologies are poisoning the discussion regarding battery energy storage systems, jeopardizing electric reliability and communities’ ability to attract low-impact, capital-intensive development that enhances grid reliability.

One inaccurate assertion is that battery energy storage systems facilities are arbitrarily located when sites are carefully selected based on months of engineering studies and due diligence. Site locations are often selected to deliver reliability for portions of the electric grid facing transmission congestion.

Battery energy storage systems resolve this inefficiency by absorbing excess power when supply exceeds demand, releasing that power when supply is tight. For example, on Aug.20, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas saw one of the highest energy demands on record and was able to meet that power need due in large part to a 110% increase in battery energy storage systems from 3,286 megawatts in May 2023 to 6,899 megawatts in August 2024.

Local zoning ordinances and fire codes also provide local jurisdictions with tools to ensure projects are developed safely and near compatible uses.

Unlike other developments or traditional power plants, battery energy storage systems facilities are not designed to use water during normal operations. According to the Electric Power Research Institute, there has been a 97% decrease in fire incidents at battery energy storage systems globally from 2018 to 2023, despite a more than twentyfold increase in global deployments during that period — an astounding demonstration that safety has been a priority for the industry during this incredible growth.

Also, battery energy storage systems have multiple layers of protection to prevent fires, and they are rigorously tested to contain any fire within the container in which it starts. Developers, operators and industry groups work to train local fire departments on battery fire safety and effective response procedures.

In addition to grid stability and reliability, there are more local benefits that residents should remember. Battery energy storage systems provide advantages to local economies through collected property taxes that directly support local services such as schools, roads and emergency services. And because of the minimal impact on resources like water and land use, they can be built in a wide range of locations without straining community infrastructure or impacting the environment.

Technology development of any kind, particularly one that is new to a community, should be thoughtfully reviewed using accurate research-backed information, including information from the Energy Information Administration and from the American Clean Power Association.

Verifiable research and data must drive this conversation. To achieve this, responsible battery energy storage systems developers and operators go above and beyond to collaborate with communities to realize and maximize the local benefits of a project while minimizing local impacts.

Judd Messer is Texas vice president of the Advanced Power Alliance.


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